Expressive Arts There are so many ways to express ourselves. Be it through talking, writing, by signaling, singing, sketching, painting, etc... Here I would like to bring your attention towards expressing ourselves through creative arts. You must have noticed that each of us whether we are good in drawing or painting, love to play with colors whenever we get a chance. One of the main reasons behind this is the creative ability which we have in ourselves. It becomes easy for us to connect our inner feeling / urges with the outer world. One of the beautiful ways of self-realization is creating not for someone to appreciate or acknowledge but to set the inner child free to the desired place /location. Creating/expressing in this way helps our mind, our body, our soul to work together for the Holistic healing and for upliftment of soul.
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What we take into our bodies as nourishment, what we breath and what gets absorbed through our skins pores, must go through an elaborate process of breakdown,storage and discharge. Food we eat is eventually broken down into tiny energy components that provide fuel for cells. What we inhale also gets absorbed into blood via the lungs and after entering blood where it is then filtered by the liver, goes thorough an additional filtering process by the kidneys before becoming discharged as urine. Our faithful and hard working internal filtering factories, responsible for body detoxification are: • Liver, • Kidney • Intestines • Skin • Lungs • Lymph What we store depends on the condition of these organs, our fat reserves, circulation and blood quality. There are many different ways to detoxification. Starting from having a healthy diet full of vitamins, proteins, Herbal and ayurvedic intakes, drinking lots of water and fruit vegetable juices per day, massage, dail...
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Scientists have discovered that all the planets in the Universe are connected with energy in the form of bright white light, and so is the light being – we,the human beings. Our inner-self is the true reflection of the universe we live in. The purpose of being on this planet is to progress with our inner-self. There is conscious and sub-conscious mind. Without any logic we deal with our subconscious mind whereas we deal logically to every thought of our conscious mind. Remember when we were small, we most of the time trusted our sub-conscious mind and now, as an adult we always go for the logic behind our thoughts. I feel we have lost our contact with our inner-self. And this is one of the reasons that we are in such disturbed state of mind. Taking self-destructive decisions. We need to talk to our inner-self , to heal ourselves. Achieving material benefits in life is secondary. Our subconscious mind is directly connected with our inner-self. We hold our emotional tra...
Levels of Conciousness
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Sharing for all... 1. Super Divine Mind Consciousness - This is a mind that exists in the highest place of Love, which always seeks to create miracles for The Higher Self and also for others at the same exact time. Super Divine Mind is not interested in personal benefit of any kind, because this individual deeply knows there is no greater act than the one that seeks to bestow the energy of great generosity, grace, kindness and Love in the world. Sustaining this way of being always creates an energy of abundance for all in the end. A person who works from Super Divine Mind Consciousness is always Spirit-led and they are able to seek and follow a more pure and Divinely inspired path, they are the miracle workers of the wo...
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H ealing through energy refers to different forms of healing which works towards maintaining balance in the subtle energies of the body. These vital energies are called by various names at various p la ces such as chi, ki, prana. It is believed that a subtle energy system governs the mind and body o f an individual . It brings strong mental and physical well-being in an individual. If these vital energies are disrupted due to trauma, undesirable surroundings and or incorrect / poor diet, then s ymptoms of disease comes to visible level in an individual. Energy healing aims at correcting the root cause of ailments - Balances the energy level. This in return h eal s the dis - e ase and rejuvenates the indiv idual. Various energy healing forms/modalities are : A cupressure, A cupuncture, Reiki, Pranic Healing and the emotional freedom technique ( EFT), Qui gong . Acupuncture is based on working with a set of energy meridians which stimulat e the balance of energy a...
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Reiki is a Japanese technique rediscovered by Dr.Mikao Usui. It is a method through which an individual get healed of stress, tension, depression, sleeplessness to name a few. Reiki is effective - yet it's also surprisingly easy and simple to use and share with others. By simply placing your hands on body's pressure points in combination with/without mantras, one can quickly eliminate the energetic blocks and hidden subconscious fears blocking your financial and career abundance. The results are often deeply transformational. Besides this,it is easy to learn and can be learned by anyone as young as 8years old. Two day workshop will bring wisdom and abundance that to cherish for rest of your life.Breaking free from lifelong habits like procrastination and overspending, gaining a powerful instinct for attracting abundant opportunities and people and much much more u can get. Get in touch for forthcoming events/ workshops: Mrs. Jaspal Kaur call : 9198300804...