Healing through energy refers to different forms of healing which works towards maintaining balance in the subtle energies of the body. These vital energies are called by various names at various places such as chi, ki, prana. It is believed that a subtle energy system governs the mind and body of an individual. It brings strong mental and physical well-being in an individual. If these vital energies are disrupted due to trauma, undesirable surroundings and or incorrect / poor diet, then symptoms of disease comes to visible level in an individual.

Energy healing aims at correcting the root cause of ailments- Balances the energy level. This in return heals the dis-ease and rejuvenates the individual. Various energy healing forms/modalities are : Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki, Pranic Healing and the emotional freedom technique (EFT), Qui gong.

Acupuncture is based on working with a set of energy meridians which stimulate the balance of energy ans restore a person’s health. Reiki also works on the root cause of ailment and the Reiki practitioner is the one who channels life-force energy into the person's body by placing his/her hand over various body points to bring balance at mind, body and soul level. EFT involves tapping with our fingertips on various points on our body to stimulate them to bring healing. It is usually accompanied  with positive statements or affirmations to address a specific issue disturbing the sufferer. These statements and tapping simultaneously work towards the betterment. It becomes easy for the person to accept his problem and work towards getting the best result available. Many a times EFT removes problem permanently from the path. No need to get any tools except your own hands to do Reiki, EFT.
Very much easy, simple to learn and do. Can bring ultimate change you wanted to have in your life.


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